Mob: 07875342985
You’ve Got Questions - I’ve Got Answers

what is the booking process?
If you are interested in booking with us , I will chat through all the finer details on the phone with you .
I will confirm your location, day and time, instructor and details about your first lesson
After you are booked in. I will email some documents that require to be filled in prior to starting your lessons ( health questionnaire/ welcome letter/explanation of our payment system )

From what age can children start from?
We are qualified and insured to teach babies and have no upper age limit.
The majority of children tend to start from ;nursery age' as they then have a better  understanding on how to follow a structure, understand instructions and don't feel so worried/nervous leaving their parents and spending time with the coach however all children are ready to begin their journey at different stages in their lives so we can always give it a try when you/child feels the time is right.

what about the instructors?
As these lessons are 1:1 it is best if you have the same teacher for the majority of your learning journey as progression can be more advanced, trust is built and it makes the journey smoother
On the odd occasion when the instructor is off due to being ill/holiday) ; I will sent a cover teacher ( the cover teacher will be briefed by the main teacher beforehand)

what happens at the first lesson?
The first lesson is much more of a get to know session although that does not mean no progress is madeÂ
it simply means we give the child some time to adapt to their new surroundings , meet and feel comfortable with their teacher and have all the activities taught in a much more fun games based way

how long does it take to learn to swim ?
This is a question I get asked a lot but unfortunately there is no set time frame , there is no answer that fits every clientÂ
the time is takes depends on many factors , to name a few:
* what stage they are at when they come to lessons
* what age/ability they have to follow instructions and retain info
*what your end goal is i.e comfortable family swimming or elite swim club
*previous experiences in and around water

What encouragement/rewards /achievements are in place to keep the kids motivated?
We have a number of systems in place to ensure we meet this as for me this is one of the most important aspects and the most asked about from the learners perspective
As I only offer 1:1 and 2:1 lessons the full lessons are positive, individualised and constructively taught to be full of praise but also to guide the child in the right direction to continue to make progress but at speed they can cope with
Its not a race against anyone else !
we have a:
certificate / badge scheme
funny/exciting theme lessons
land based before and after lesson activities

All the legalities?
All the instructors are qualified
Lifeguards are provided via the hotel /leisure staff
Public liability insurance is in place for the business
Employers liability insurance is in place for the business
Risk assessment and operating procedures are covered as part of the hotel/leisure club